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Welcome to the Myra House Holistic Living Center -
dedicated to the healing of mind, body, and spirit.

Myrahouse provides a co-operative, ecologically sustainable living environment with monastic rhythms. We offer community outreach and education on holistic living topics such as organic gardening, contemplative prayer, and eco-spirituality.

At the Myra House, you'll experience a dynamic blend of creativity, community, intellectual inquiry, and restorative practice. We invite you to join the Myra House community and find a deeper connection with yourself, the earth, and others.

Board Members

Board Members

Vanessa Kettering, M.A
Psychology Research/ Instructor
Claremont Graduate University

James Rogers, M.A
Philosophy of Religion and Theology
Claremont Graduate University

Jay Shin, Educator
Chung-Ang University (South Korea)
Goethe University, Frankfurt DE

David Sohn, J.D.
University of San Diego School of Law

Sung Jacob Sohn, Ph. D
Holistic Educator & Practical Theologian
Co-founder of Myra House & Ecoterra

Past Board Members
Advisory Board

Dr. Philip and Elaine Amerson (CST)
Dr. Michael Chai, MD (Upland)
Mr. A. Carlos and Mrs. Hortencia Casillas (Claremont)
Jane Geumja, JD., and Mr. Steve Seunggun Chung (Los Angeles)
Dr. John Cobb (Claremont)
Prof. Andy Dreitcer, (Spirituality, CST)
Mrs. Susie Fan (Pharmacist, Claremont)
Prof. Kathleen Greider (Pastoral Counseling, CST)
Rev. Keith Hwang (Cal-Pac A.C. Conference Secretary, and Associate
Director, Connectional Ministries)
Rev. Youngstone and Mrs. Grace Jhun (Pomona)
Mr. Jai J. Lee (Artesia)
Mr. Jay Lee (Glendale)
Mrs. Young Ran Lee
Mrs. Cathy Osman (Upland, elementary teacher, environmental studies)
Rev. Lois and Dr. Ward McAfee (Upland)
Rev. Don Locher (Sierra Madre, Bishop Mary Ann Swenson’s representative)
Rev. Seungabae Paik (Anaheim)
Prof. Frank Rogers (Christian Education, CST)
Mr. Eugene T. Tchoe (Hacienda Heights)
Mr. Robert Vincent (Claremont)
Hanna Kang Brown
Charles Kim
Guntram von Kiparski, Ph.D

Program consultants:

Dr. C. Dean Freudenberger (Claremont, environmental ethicist, agronomist)
Mr. Mark von Wodtke, ASLA (Claremont)

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