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Welcome to the Myra House Holistic Living Center -
dedicated to the healing of mind, body, and spirit.

Myrahouse provides a co-operative, ecologically sustainable living environment with monastic rhythms. We offer community outreach and education on holistic living topics such as organic gardening, contemplative prayer, and eco-spirituality.

At the Myra House, you'll experience a dynamic blend of creativity, community, intellectual inquiry, and restorative practice. We invite you to join the Myra House community and find a deeper connection with yourself, the earth, and others.

Community Gardening – Two Additions

by Sung on March 3rd, 2010

Great teachings about the importance of soil were learned this past week as members of the people community added 2 new members to the Myra House Arbor community.  What we don’t see is often most important and this certainly holds true when relating it to the proper enviroment to grow a tree.

The majority of the 2-day tree planting event involved digging very deep into the southern california desert like underground to make room for a cosy cocoon of freshly composted soil.  This proper soil is the most important step we as human beings can do for a new tree as the other aspects such as amount of sunlight and water are basically out of our control.  The two new members are a Persimmon Tree & a Asian Pear Tree.

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